Introduction: The Center for Transformative Sexology

Bette Page reads a book on Sexology

Welcome to the The Center for Transformative Sexology (TC4TS). It’s not quite a physical location and it’s much more than a simple place holder. What we are out to accomplish is a shift in the way that people think about sex and sexuality to the point that society as a we transform the way humanity engages with themselves and others.

Currently, many people are living sexual shame or with difficulties associated with sex and sexology. For many of those people if they are seeking support, they might consider the path of Clinical Sexology.

Clinical Sexology is amazing and very helpful. However, it’s a system built on telling people what’s wrong with or around them from an outside view. We at TC4TS do believe that some people benefit from that level of insight and (when needed) diagnosis or access to medication. We just don’t think everyone either has or needs access to that kind of care. Further, people who from different cultural backgrounds could be harmed by being examined from systems that do not include their needs.

Educational Sexology (Sexuality Education) brings the basics of sex, sexuality and education to life. There are several aspects of this form of Sexology that do make it more accessible to people than Clinical Sexology. The challenge with Educational Sexology is that what people have access to is largely dictated by the religious, educational and political choices of others who may not actually value comprehensive, holistic, spiritually or culturally competent education. Additionally, this type of Sexology is often dismissed as something that children need but that adults forget they might not fully understand.

Trasnformative Sexology is a fairly new discipline of Sexology which is committed to connecting various forms of communication skills, transformative learning theory, educational psychology and the principals of sexology giving skills to reflect, examine and transform how they relate to and think about sex, sexuality and thus themselves.

The Center for Transformative Sexology will do this through online classes, personal coaching and the training of others who are interested in becoming Transformative Sexologists themselves.

We are (as is humanity) a work in working progress. We welcome your thoughts, insights, considerations and concerns. Please contact us at

(As of the writing of this article, we have a pending website and other points of contact. We will update with links they become available.)



The Center For Transformative Sexology

We are committed to the blending of Transformative Learning and Sexology principles to transform the areas of sex, intimacy, sexuality and relationships.